Tax representation services

As tax representatives, we offer the following services:

  • verification of compliance of accounting documents with Polish regulations
  • keeping of VAT register
  • preparation and submission of VAT returns and JPK files
  • contacts with authorities
  • assistance in day-to-day administrative matters
  • preparation of INTRASTAT declarations


  • time and cost savings – by outsourcing tax matters to an external representative, the company does not need to employ its own staff to maintain accounts, file returns and contact tax authorities. It can also benefit from more favourable terms of cooperation and lower prices of services than in the case of settlement of VAT on its own
  • professional advice – the external tax representative has experience and specialisation in the field of VAT in Poland. The representative is familiar with the current regulations and changes in tax law, which helps to avoid errors and inaccuracies in settlements. The external tax representative can also advise the company on tax and financial optimisation of its operations

Contact our expert!

Tomasz Gałka
Member of the board, tax advisor
+48 668 475 075

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