Business services

We support companies in:

  • sale of ready-made limited liability companies (shelf companies) – registered in the National Court Register (KRS), registered with the Central Register of Beneficial Owners (CRBR) and the Tax Office, with an open bank account and paid-up share capital
  • business process outsourcing – support for administrative activities, including issuing invoices, preparing cost, tax and remuneration payment baskets
  • handling online banking systems
  • archiving accounting and HR documents and company documentation in traditional form and in electronic form on a dedicated, specially secured SharePoint site
  • the inventory process
  • conversion of financial statements to xml
  • preparation, signing and submission of financial documents to the KRS Repository
  • obtaining tax and social security clearance certificates
  • completion of documentation necessary for obtaining a PESEL number
  • support in the preparation of real estate tax (RET) declarations
  • support in gaining access to INTRASTAT
  • and many others, according to the client’s needs


  • comprehensive service for both start-ups and clients with already established businesses
  • assistance in finding the way through the confusing regulations and requirements for doing business in Poland
  • tailor-made services to meet client’s current needs

Contact our expert!

Daria Jakubowska
Office Administration Team Leader
+48 888 777 466

©2023 OW Accounting & Payroll

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